Deep Listening: Poetics for a World Up-Side Down
Deep Listening: Poetics for a World Up-Side Down
The Ministry of Culture of the Mexican Government and the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature (INBAL), through the Laboratorio
de Arte Alameda (LAA) and the National Coordination of Visual Arts (CNAV), presents Deep Listening: Poetics for a World Up-Side Down.
Curated by Sara Garzón, the program accompanied the exhibition Escucha Profunda: Yutsil, María Sosa, Naomi Rincón Gallardo, and Fernando Palma Rodríguez. Poetics for a World Up-Side Down was an invitation to indigenize the museum, which means re-knowing
the world through indigenous ancestrality, decentralizing the (Western) human gaze, and relating to territoriality as a multi-species intelligence in a way that allows us to generate modalities of knowledge based on a poetics of coexistence. Responding to the 500-year commemoration of the fall of Tenochtitlán, the program was organized around three main research topics: 1. The Body: Reconquering a territory of mutuality. 2. Art, technology and ancestral time: A non-western paradigm. 3. Repair: The case for Indigenizing the museum.
Images courtesy of Laboratorio de Arte Alameda, 2021-2022.
Sandra Benites, Pablo Lafuente, María Sosa, Francisco Huichaqueo, Nicole L’Huillier, Tiara Roxanne, Ángel Pahuamba, Rosi Huaroco, Noé Martínez, Natalia Arcos, Delmar Méndez, Rolando Vázquez, Yutsil, Lucia Sanroman, Carolina Castro, Federico Navarrete, Naomi Ricon-Gallardo, Francisco de León Parras, and Lukas Avendaño.
All talks are available on Spotify